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 twHLine( nRow, nCol, Length, lType, wColor )
     Display a horizontal line at specified relative window
     coordinates, in a chosen type and in a specified colour in the
     active window. The length and line type must be passed for the
     function to work.


     nRow,nCol   - 'N' Relative Window Coordinates.  Defaulted to 1.

     Length      - 'N' Length of the line in characters.

     lType       - 'N' Type of line to display:

                         "-"   1 - dotted single
                         "="   2 - dotted double
                         "."   3 - dotted triple
                         "-"   4 - single
                         "-"   5 - double
                         "."   6 - dotted thick
                         "#"   7 - top solid thin
                         "#"   8 - bottom solid thin
                         "#"   9 - solid thick
                         "~"  10 - single wavy
                         "."  11 - double wavy

     wColor      - 'C' Clipper colour attribute. Defaults to


     Current window handle.


     twHline( 4, 15, 09, 10, "R/BG" )

     Draws a single horizontal line of length 10 starting at relative
     window coordinates 15,09 in red on cyan.

See Also: twVline()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson